Current Activity

Welcome Back, Tim

The Brockway Mountain Hawk Watch counter, Tim Baerwald, has returned for this springs survey. Please join us in welcoming him back at Zik’s Bar in Copper Harbor, March 19th. Stop in between 6 and 9 pm and say hey. If you haven’t met Tim yet, here is a great opportunity.


BirdWatching Feature

This issue of BirdWatching Magazine mentions the Brockway Mountain Hawk Watch in their feature “12 Spring Hawk Watches”. Word is getting around that we have quite the spectacle up here in spring!



2016 Count

Can you believe it, only a month left until the 2016 spring count begins! We are pleased to announce that last years counter, Tim Baerwald is returning this year. We look forward to his detailed posts and beautiful photos.

There have been a few changes to the count this year and we are excited about taking the project to the next level. Please visit the “About Us” and “History of BMHW” pages for details.

We are looking forward to this Spring and hope to see you on the mountain as we welcome the returning raptors, passerines, and waterbirds, and share in the excitement of this amazing migration phenomenon!

Lift Bridge Peregrine Update

From Joe Youngman;

Breaking news – old news.
I was finally able to read the band numbers on the adult female Peregrine that raised three young at the Portage Lake Lift Bridge this year (and I assume she’s the same bird that nested there last year).   Her left leg band combination is black over red and awhile ago I read a “W” on the red band and finally got a “91” on the black.  That makes her “Dorothy” banded by Amy Ries on 30 May in 2012 (hatched on 8 May) at a power plant along the Mississippi river at Cassville in SW Wisconsin.

She grew up on a smokestack so a lift bridge must have seemed suitable for her own youngsters.   Amy figures she is 326 miles from her natal site.

One last caveat –  I wouldn’t bet my life on my reading of her band number but I’m pretty darn sure.  If we get a webcam in place by next spring we should get an absolute confirmation.  I contacted Amy and she has had no other “sightings” of good ole 91/W so I feel I can say with enough assurance that “Dorothy” has been summering in Houghton / Hancock since 2013.

As of yesterday there were still three youngsters around the bridge and the two adults.


2015 Count Completed

Well, the 2015 BMHW was concluded on June15th. The numbers were down this year, but as suspected, up at other sites.

Tim Baerwald was an excellent addition to the count. Not only a talented hawk counter, but a fine photographer, enhancing the website and our social media with his images from the mountain.

Don’t forget to check the HMANA website for daily, monthly and final figures for the count.

Thank you to all who visited the site, contributed to the project and showed support in any way.