Mid April
For the first time this season spring-like weather was the norm! Along with the spring-like weather has come the raptors with enjoyable flights and over 500 birds for the week. While Bald Eagle, Red-tailed (including a few of the dark western variety) and Sharp-shinned Hawks are making up the bulk of the flights, Golden Eagles are still being recorded most days and Rough-legged Hawks and Turkey Vultures are increasing.
The first Broad-winged Hawk of the spring arrived the 15th, while the first Osprey arrived the 19th. Its only a matter of days until the Broad-wings really hit and bring in a Swainson’s or two!
Note that while the drive up is now snow free, the road surface is in poor shape with several potholes that have tried to swallow my car whole.
The forecast for the week is less then promising (it rained/sleeted/snowed today) with snow forecasted along with northerly winds.