Some spring-like weather after a week of cold.

Hi all,

Seems like this year is shaping up in a similar fashion as last year in terms of weather, snow cover, etc. After a week of unseasonable cold we are finally getting some warmer weather and as a result, a sharp increase in migration. First-of-the-season raptors just in the last few days have been Osprey, Cooper’s Hawk and Broad-winged Hawk. Bald Eagles no longer dominate the data sheet but rather Red-tailed Hawk and Turkey Vulture hold that distinction with Rough-legged Hawks and Sharp-shins also hitting their stride in recent days as well. Overall I think we are just a little ahead of last year’s pace but these things have a way of evening out as the season progresses. A bit of a cool-down is forecast for later in the week so we’ll see how that affects the advance of migration.

Non-raptor arrivals on the Mountain the last number of days have included Killdeer, Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, Northern Flicker, Eastern Phoebe and Tree Swallow. Large numbers of Canada Geese are migrating right now and Sandhill Cranes have been coming over the Mountain in small groups too.


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